There is value, too, in times grown flabby, in knowing just how all-fired hard Sibelius had to work to achieve his glories.
Through the years, his style of writing and his body had grown flabby.
So better that you grow flabby and old working with my father.
Camsaug was making noises which did not translate, but he felt its body grow less flabby as he rolled it-it was beginning to help itself.
A very old priest whose jowls, once fat, had now grown loose and flabby.
Your executives have gone to other jobs, and your workmen have grown weak and flabby on outdoor relief.
For years his thinking had also grown flabby.
Mr. Bush's calling the tune is the consequence of the true visionaries' having grown flabby and lazy.
His swarthy body was still powerful, but he'd grown flabby around the gut and short of wind.
Florio argued that Trenton and Washington had grown flabby and muddleheaded over the last decade.