The noise increased, the pace grew more ferocious.
The yearning for freedom has grown ferocious; the wings are beating wildly; the liberator is coming!
But the eyes had grown ferocious and the eyebrows vibrated threateningly.
Why have you grown continually more ferocious?
The first was a growling lion, then came a fierce tiger, next a horribly scowling goblin, each mask growing more ferocious than the last.
Behemoth Over the last 15 years this Polish metal band has been growing less mysterious and more ferocious.
The domestic controversy about the Vietnam War grew more ferocious each month.
The power-blasts abruptly ceased, but the fighting grew more ferocious as the mercenaries pulled long vicious blades from their armored suits.
Bella's growls and snarls grew less ferocious.
Almost immediately, the blaze raged out of control, growing more ferocious by the second.