The rest of the king's men grow envious of him, and tell the king he had said he could rescue the king's daughter.
Upon noticing the king back in good spirits, the jester grew envious, and decides to take his grudge on one of the entertainers.
Then the thoughts grew sad and envious.
The external proletariat, living outside the civilization in poverty and chaos, grows envious.
Men from the Cheshire Youth Baseball quickly grew envious, she said.
Storm and Yuri were fellow car thieves, but Yuriko eventually grew envious of her colleague.
But she grew envious watching her husband competing, so she came back.
Then Cassim grew so envious that he could not sleep, and went to his brother in the morning before sunrise.
She grows envious of Alyssa after being a favourite of Hillary.
Towards the middle of the book I grew a little envious of her situation.