Another potential buffer is to plant warm-season perennial grasses such as switchgrass, which do not grow early in the season.
The storm grew early today, spinning winds up to 115 miles per hour and being upgraded to a Category 3 storm, capable of extensive damage.
Minnie and her sister had both been born at a normal birth weight but then stopped growing early in their lives.
The company grew early by offering enterprise web hosting services and Internet connectivity for businesses and government.
He grows close to Shane early on the flim.
A lanky youth who grew early, he was throwing 85 miles an hour and being scouted by the Yankees before his 17th birthday.
Used to cover rhubarb to limit photosynthesis, they encouraging the plant to grow early in the season and also to produce blanched stems.
Since this plant grows early in spring, a good time to divide rhubarb (if necessary) would be in early fall.
The expectations, as in New York, grew early, when the Lions started 2-1.
Early grows violent and spins out in his car, chasing the man all over the park.