Sensitivity to the relationship between art and its surroundings has grown during the last decade.
The airport has grown over 25% in passengers during the last decade.
The collection grew only modestly during the following decade, a period of turmoil for the college.
Many central cities stabilized or even grew in population during the decade, but were still smaller parts of their metropolitan areas.
It continued to grow at an average rate of 5.9% during the following decade until 2008, when it fell into recession.
The Southwest is the region where income grew most during the decade, 167 percent compared with a national average of 143.
The overall level of immigration to Australia has grown substantially during the last decade.
Indeed, Walgreen's drug sales have grown by an average of 25 percent a year during the last decade.
In addition, the number of people dying with hospice care has grown 13 percent annually during the last decade.
The state's non-Hispanic white population grew little, if at all, during the decade.