This message is apparent from the first moments of "Lieutenant," and you would think it would grow bald in its reiteration.
He also admitted to vanity and stated he misses his former luscious curls a great deal now that he has grown almost completely bald.
The eunuch does not grow a beard and remains generally unhairy, although he retains the hair of his head and virtually never grows bald.
Brilliant eyes stared from behind a forehead so high it gave the impression that he was growing bald.
Formerly he had written for the happy world which is young and curly anti merry; now he grew fat and bald and grave.
A man grows bald eventually.
During the last ten years Mothac had grown steadily more bald, a calamity he blamed totally on the harsh Persian sun.
He had grown bald.
There's no time for a man to recover his hair that grows bald by nature.
She had already begun to grow bald and had been losing weight as a result of pancreatic cancer.