The number of people over 60 suffering from this disease is growing alarmingly.
And in which their numbers, white and black, keep growing alarmingly.
The number of starters, which has been growing alarmingly, to a course-choking 28,656 last year, will be held down to 26,000 or so.
The woodpile set against the cabin's outside wall was growing alarmingly smaller each day.
As a result of the neglect, the betel leaves grew alarmingly.
Reports of suspected child abuse in New York grow alarmingly.
The editorial misstated that the presence of bacteria is "growing alarmingly."
The disparity between the elite clubs and the rest will only grow alarmingly if these kind of wages start being paid.
Madam President, the number of people seeking refugee and asylum status is growing alarmingly.
The trafficking of human cargo has grown alarmingly in the last month, according to the Kuwaiti authorities.