The two groups sabotaged the cannons and ran on the wall to reach the opposite side of the city.
Under cover of the Truce, a small group of Lowlives would infiltrate the torc factory down in Muriah and sabotage the irreplaceable machinery.
To obtain arms from fascist Italy, the group assassinated two Italian antifascists, the Rosselli brothers, on June 9, 1937, and sabotaged airplanes clandestinely supplied by the French government to the Second Spanish Republic.
A group headed by Frager sabotaged the celophane factory at Mantes, and reports and photographs of its missions were sent to London.
As Harold Ickes and Bishop Francis J. McConnell informed the press, the ousted group had sabotaged efforts to get refugees to safety without regard to politics.
In answer to Tom's questions, Mirov admitted that his group, composed of Brungarian rebel Navy men and rocket engineers, had sabotaged the returning Jupiter probe missile, hoping to obtain its data for their own use.
A group called "The Consortium" is dedicated (for unknown reasons) to keeping the Artifact's true nature a secret; their agent, Beverly Barlowe, sabotaged an experiment of Stark's involving taking a sample from the Artifact.
Matt continued: "A group of paramilitary commandos sabotaged his plane and brought it down.
On September 3, 1861, his group sabotaged a bridge that led to the derailment of a Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad train that carried Union soldiers among its passengers.
For example, a group of English workers known as Luddites formed to protest against industrialisation and sometimes sabotaged factories.