A group of internal consultants can closely monitor and work with external consulting firm.
But in case one or both groups were monitoring, she had to play along with this scenario.
Several groups from outside Nigeria monitored the elections and are expected to release fuller details this week.
In a very positive way, civic groups monitor local government.
A sender would choose one of these to follow, and that group, in turn, would monitor its compliance.
Tiedemann's group set up and monitored 12 stations throughout the watershed for a period of approximately two years.
The group will monitor the nation's progress toward meeting the national education goals established by the governors and President Bush in 1989.
The group has been monitoring the shipments, which are tied to nuclear power plants in Japan.
Up to $5 million would go to opposition or independent political, press, labor or other groups to monitor or support the election process.
The group will monitor wildlife in the area and compile reports when they get back.