Lastly, his group has linked this glycation process to methamphetamine addiction.
And in New York City itself, several environmental groups have been studying ways to set aside more open space, and link the city's existing parks.
The group linked its actions to the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians.
What began as a loose-knit group of Abbotsford thugs linked to Asian organized crime grew quickly over the years.
In rescue operations, groups of robots could link together to form support structures for falling buildings.
The group linked the attack to Uganda's military presence in Somalia as part of an African Union peacekeeping mission.
Smugglers, drug runners and a militant group linked to Al Qaeda frequent the desert area.
A group of messages, often e-mail messages or message board posts, linked by a common subject.
A group that monitors racist organizations has linked some current and former members of Asatru with white power groups.
But slowly, small groups of officers linked up and traded information.