Initial intelligence suggested that a group of about platoon strength had infiltrated the village.
In 1975 a group of terrorists infiltrated the moshav, took control of a residence, and killed three members of one family.
A group of four fanatics infiltrated into the grotto down there on the bottom level.
Ms. Caña, the attorney general, charges that groups seeking to overthrow the government have infiltrated the union.
A group of human infantry has infiltrated to the gate area.
A new group of parasitic aliens from the same universe infiltrated a space shuttle returning to earth.
These groups infiltrate Indian Kashmir, causing mayhem and making a war between the two nuclear neighbours a very real possibility.
The Hispanic groups typically infiltrate local businesses with members they call santeros, which the police loosely translate to mean "trusted ones."
And because Mexico's criminal groups have infiltrated Mexican law enforcement, which has access to sophisticated tracking software, anonymity online might not be enough protection.
This operation in response to intelligence that a group of enemy had infiltrated into the area via the Thai - Malaysian border.