But the environmental groups generally favor the direction the agency is going.
This group favored more restrictions on abortion than the rest of the population.
Another group, who might be called progressive environmentalists, favored use of the resources by the government itself.
The group favored delaying the election until 1991, when one would have been held anyway.
Each group favored the driving range site for its central location and the ease of developing there.
His group favors new reactors, which it says might be ordered in the early 1990's and completed by the turn of the century.
Both groups favor a special fund consisting of money generated from those who use the highways the most.
His group favored an efficiency increase of 20 percent rather than 30 percent.
All of this is voluntary, and the group favors that approach in any Kyoto agreement.
Favoring a treaty are the main national environmental groups, who have spent a decade putting the issue on the global agenda.