In very general terms, these groups espoused divergent revolutionary lines.
Various Islamist groups espoused different means for achieving their political agenda.
It has been seen in nearly every religious group espousing a holier-than-thou belief.
Universally, the group espouses violence as a valid means to accomplish their goals.
Such buildings are of interest as concrete ventures in the interfaith understanding which many religious groups now espouse.
While both groups espouse Marxist theories, they have sharply conflicting views of the methods to be used to reach power.
The groups have no formal structure, but espouse philosophies, most publicly on the Internet, that support sabotage in defense of animal life or the environment.
And in some cases, courts have ruled that the city cannot block rallies because the groups involved espouse violent or hateful practices.
The group espouses jihad and the establishment of an Islamic state in South Africa.
About one-third of the 18 men who died were castrated, in enforced adherence to the celibate life style the group espoused.