A group calling itself United Architects has enlisted the youngest and most experimental designers on the list.
Mr. Anderberg says his group is enlisting the help of the city in dredging the one-acre lake.
The group has enlisted celebrities as honorary co-chairmen and co-chairwomen.
Within a month, the group had raised $650,000, and enlisted the support of the Garden Conservancy, a national group devoted to preserving unique private gardens.
It was also reported that while preparing for their comeback promotions, the group have enlisted some help from some big international figures.
Capturing an audience, particularly one that multiplies with every group enlisted, can translate into lucrative advertising revenue and commissions on e-commerce products.
The group enlisted thousands of volunteers from its Web site, a process, she said, that "built a community for us, and those people have stayed engaged.
The local group enlisted the help of a number of their country's leading businessmen and on 6 June 1967 the first paper rolled off the presses.
The group enlisted Leonard Garment, the Washington lawyer.
In addition the group enlisted organized labor to a greater degree than in the past, since many employees at cultural institutions are union members.