The group that has performed best in 1992 encompasses the 14 funds that invest in financial services companies.
The group encompasses 78 coral atolls and islands, including:
In his definition, the group encompass the Embolomeri, Chroniosuchia and possibly the family Gephyrostegidae.
The group, he said, encompassed 95 percent of the potential plaintiffs in the explosion, which killed 259 passengers and crew, plus 11 people on the ground.
Mozambique's major ethnic groups encompass numerous subgroups with diverse languages, dialects, cultures, and histories.
The group encompasses religious leaders, clergy and parishioners from various faiths.
This group encompasses some of the oldest, most conservative funds in the industry.
The group encompasses a wide variety of units.
Asked how many children her husband's group encompassed, Mrs. Lynch did the math instantly: "3, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 22.
This last group encompasses cars and other items that consumers can put off purchasing until an opportune moment.