First, a major medical group disputed the need for regular mammograms for all women ages 40 to 49, as is currently recommended.
Some Indonesian groups dispute Australia's claim to these island, however.
However, environmental groups dispute the claim of research "as a disguise for commercial whaling, which is banned."
But environmental groups sharply dispute that.
Sea Shepherd and other environmental groups dispute the Japanese statement of research "as a disguise for commercial whaling, which is banned."
Some industrial groups dispute the savings in oil consumption that could result from the clean air act.
He said the project would have "almost no impact on land or local wildlife," a point that environmental groups sharply dispute.
Environmental groups disputed the idea that the Clinton administration's process had run roughshod over the snowmobile industry.
However, environmental groups disputed the figures and asserted that fish stocks had actually been reduced by commercial overfishing.
Citizens' group stRaten-generaal disputed this and insisted that the question be put explicitly to the European Commission.