For species that live in fission-fusion societies, group composition is a dynamic property.
Not much information is available about group composition of beaked whales.
The album marked the first occasion when group compositions dominated one of the band's releases.
A view of group composition through a group-theoretic lens.
This represented a departure from the Ugly's' previous records, as they had all been group compositions up to that point.
They can be used to visualize any type of change in group composition between states or over time and include statistical information to reveal significant change.
Yet Norman knew that some of his results were counterintuitive, such as the importance of group composition.
Players in groups gain bonus experience and, with the right group composition, will find it much easier to progress through the game.
Two other group compositions by Humphrey had a timeless excitement.
In two new group compositions, striking moments were surrounded by slack choreography.