Ms. Kemm had just testified that city voters overwhelmingly still support the term limits law, citing a poll her group recently commissioned.
As well as assimilating found imagery the group commissioned both visual and written material, closely directing them to fit each magazine's theme.
To help clarify their thinking, an independent group called Public Campaign has commissioned surveys in several states with Republican senators retiring or running for re-election.
As a prelude to creating an investor education program, the group commissioned surveys and conducted focus groups.
While much of Rova's music is composed by its members, the group has also collaborated with and commissioned new works.
When, after some years, a gift of land provided the site for the school, the group commissioned a feasibility study, and embarked upon a fundraising campaign.
The group commissioned the 24 political songs from a wide variety of composers.
And so the group has commissioned a series of innovative music videos to accompany its stripped-down songs.
A year ago, our group commissioned an expert report on this issue.
An environmental group has commissioned a study into the issue of fish farming in our province.