Although not all veterans' groups championed his cause, he has received strong support from Vietnam veterans.
He was a mentor to former Representative Edward R. Roybal, a social worker and public-health educator whose political career the group championed.
The group has championed Mr. Sharpton's causes, and he also relies on it and its supporters for legal, public relations and financial help.
The group will champion music by Copland and his contemporaries as well as their ancestors and heirs, sometimes in intimate concerts at the house but mostly on tour.
The pope made clear that terrorist acts could not be justified, and he condemned as a "patent falsehood" claims that terrorist groups championed the poor and oppressed.
This group championed abstract art at the expense of the dogmatically heroic canvases and sculpture approved by Marxists such as Guttuso.
Consisting of some twenty authors, the group championed the New Realism movement and Social realism.
A small but powerful group of conservatives led by Patrick J. Buchanan, the former White House communications director, is championing the idea.
Mozart's opera seria "Idomeneo" is practically pop compared with some of the more obscure works the group has championed.
There are precious few traces of the urgent, here's-to-the-night ethos that other groups champion so heartily.