Last week, additional reports said that a second group, from Wales, was bidding to move the team to Cardiff.
Meanwhile, all three Broadway theater owners' groups have bid for the play.
But the question remains: Should a group organize and bid adieu to someone who has suddenly disappeared?
Calculating an infrastucture cost of about $21 million - or about $21,000 a unit - the group bid $9,000 a unit for land.
She is also trying to put together financing to see if her group can bid on the building.
But David Batchelder, who runs Girard, said his group would not bid for the company or accept board seats.
Two rival groups in Los Angeles are bidding for the expansion franchise, each with its own stadium plan.
And a small group would bid two diamonds, using that as a substitute for a forcing raise in clubs.
'Vitor's driving you back,' Margrida informed her, as the last group of guests bade their host goodbye.
A rich company or group of companies could bid for a nationwide license by combining bids for a license in each region.