Murchie notes that often groups behave as an individual organism.
Alternating groups sometimes behave as if they were groups of Lie type over the field with one element.
It also emerged that different groups of kidnappers in Beirut behave differently.
These three groups also behaved differently at the onset of the 1984 dispute.
I've seen small groups of birds behave in such a fashion for the past week or two.
The shared social identity of individuals within a group influences intergroup behavior, the way in which groups behave towards and perceive each other.
The group of animals also behaves differently from a single animal.
Discuss whether people in your country today expect certain groups to behave in a particular way.
He reported that when using a democratic decision rule, larger groups behaved more cooperatively than smaller groups.
In some ways, the new group is already behaving as if it is in control.