During a time when both Thunder and Gosh wrestled in Frontier Wrestling Alliance at the same time as McDonald the group banded together under the stable name "The Triad."
Numerous colonial slave traders had been killed in the fighting, and the remaining Native American groups banded together, more determined to face the Europeans from a position of strength rather than be enslaved.
The 850-member group banded together to oppose the jailing of 20 men, almost all Italian-Americans, who refused to testify about organized crime before a grand jury even though they were granted immunity from prosecution.
That era found humans in small clusters, tribal groups banded together for protection, constantly moving to follow their prey.
When upper-middle class neighborhoods felt their "quality of life" threatened, civic groups banded together to protest rezonings favoring developers.
And while their army had achieved a singular fighting stance, with all of the once-separate groups banded together toward the common goal of survival, Kessell's army had gone down the opposite road.
Carnosauria and Thecodontia are fossil groups, banded together back when the limited fossil record did not allow for a more detailed scheme.
Forty-seven groups of writers, photographers, illustrators and other artists, banded together as the Copyright Justice Coalition, have rallied behind a proposal by Senator Thad Cochran, a Republican of Mississippi, called the Artists' Bill of Rights.
Nine centuries ago, give or take a couple of decades, a small group of students and scholars banded together and started a university here that is today the oldest in the Western world.
The remaining Native American groups banded together to face the Europeans from a position of strength.