Together, they created Born of the Night, a groundbreaking album that appealed to fans of gothic music, the horror genre, and haunted attractions.
Their groundbreaking album Nuevo Dia fused traditional Spanish flamenco with Arabic rhythms and styles.
While at New England Conservatory, an instructor brought in a copy of Wendy Carlos' groundbreaking album "Switched On Bach."
On this "groundbreaking" album, the group introduced a "much greater element of dark romanticism to their doomy music".
It was a groundbreaking album, with the saxophone being the lead "voice" surrounded by a full string section.
December 3 - The Beatles release their groundbreaking album Rubber Soul, along with the double A-sided single "Day Tripper / We Can Work It Out".
In June 1969 White Noise released the groundbreaking album An Electric Storm on Island Records.
"Dr. Dre has had a hand in some of the most groundbreaking albums in hip-hop, and if he's co-signing Game, the music world has to take note," Mr. Parker said.
Columbia Records releases Miles Davis' groundbreaking album, Kind of Blue.
It was a groundbreaking album because up until this point, a lot of new age music didn't have lyrics or even vocals.