They provide scientific and engineering support for launch, space, and related ground systems that serve the national interest.
"The cost of a couple of airplanes and a ground system would be about $30 million."
By the end of the year, three complete ground systems and 1,000 missiles had been delivered to White Sands.
The common ground system will be constructed by Raytheon.
He added that "airports in Italy are safe, but they have to improve the ground system" to guide pilots.
The wind shear had passed outside the bounds of the ground system.
Radio frequency power is fed across the base insulator between the ground system and the tower itself.
These objects, including plumbing and ductwork, are technically part of the ground radial system.
The cost of a ground system, including lighting, averages $500,000 for an airport.
Smaller airports are to have the ground system in place first, probably by the fall of next year.