Consequently, in exercising its powers for the purposes of defining the conditions for the grant of its 'nationality' to a ship, each member state must comply with the prohibition of discrimination against nationals of member states on grounds of their nationality.
In addition, Icelandic law provides for fines and up to two years in prison for anyone who publicly ridicules an individual or group on the grounds of their "nationality, skin color, race, religion, or sexual orientation."
Excluding him on the grounds of his nationality seems frankly, something bordering on illegal!
The Court of Justice's Bosman ruling in 1995 had declared that, in accordance with the EC Treaty rules regarding freedom of movement for workers, no resident of the European Union should be restricted from working in another part of the EU on the grounds of their nationality.
The Paris Conservatoire, however, rejected his application without hearing him, on the grounds of his nationality; Pierre Zimmermann, head of the piano faculty, commented that "America is a country of steam engines".
He invited everyone, saying that you were all welcome, then excluded you on the grounds of your inferior nationality.
Oxford University referred the case of Prof. Andrew Wilkie, who rejected an Israeli graduate student for his laboratory on the grounds of his nationality, to a disciplinary committee.
I am very sorry to have to say that there is increasing evidence of discrimination against my fellow countrymen solely on the grounds of their nationality.
The implementing regulation also envisages extending the provisions of Regulation No 883/2004 to third-country nationals who are not already covered by these provisions on the grounds of their nationality.
The European Parliament must not tolerate American discrimination of European citizens on the grounds of their nationality.