Varieties of spices used include pimento, cinnamon, ground cloves, ginger and black pepper.
Prepared with ground cloves, cinnamon, brown sugar and other spices, it is cut thin, ready to eat.
A little bottle of ground cloves - 0.9 ounce - cost $7.39.
The blend of spices varies from recipe to recipe, but nearly all include ground cloves.
When ready to serve, dust with a pinch of remaining ground cloves, and garnish with a tiny sage leaf.
Combine the flour, ground clove, salt and black pepper and dust the sweetbreads.
Place over medium heat, and add bacon and vegetable mixture and ground cloves.
Then, the sugar, cinnamon and ground cloves are added.
Combine half of the ground cloves, all the nutmeg and pepper and rub all over the ham.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the brown sugar, mace, mustard, orange juice and remaining ground cloves.