The anti-abortion film "Silent Scream," for example, was deemed by many physicians to be a gross misrepresentation.
These are gross misrepresentations that have no factual foundation.
A gross misrepresentation of Caruso, this slip-cased package might make a good, albeit expensive, doorstop.
"E.P.A. must conduct quality, credible research in an atmosphere absent of gross misrepresentation and controversy."
You should be ashamed of such a gross misrepresentation.
"And I think this is a gross misrepresentation."
Truth is like money--lightly come, lightly go; and if she cannot hold her own against even gross misrepresentation, she is herself not worth holding.
This is a gross misrepresentation.
Now, how anybody who has looked at the budget numbers could have this kind of gross misrepresentation is sobering.