A maniac smile sat his lips and he laughed at Red's gross jokes.
The one level on which this mild children's comedy works is as an extended gross joke for 8-year-olds.
While we were waiting to see if we'd have a substitute, Eric Macaulay told us a gross joke.
All right, he tells gross body-part jokes but "people want to give me the electric chair," he complains, pouting.
Even as they dug in, eating and drinking with relish, small-talking and making gross jokes, each man at the table was thinking the same thing.
So don't grow impatient with Muley and his gross jokes, or with Mr. Pidcock and his fussy ways.
He'd listened to their gross jokes.
And in the show's funniest digression, he parodies the kind of comedian who stitches a barrage of the grossest jokes with grotesque hiccuping laughter.
Actually, a cabdriver told me this very gross joke, but I blocked it out.
He spent the whole trip telling gross jokes and shouting things at the girls.