In a socialist society, it was asked, were such gross disparities and inequalities permissible?
The pledge, they added, "does not address the gross disparities between overall levels of compensation from the executive suite to the shop floor."
The gloomiest prognosis has come from the Government itself, which says it does not have the resources to eliminate gross disparities between blacks and whites.
The society's gross disparities in wealth remain essentially untouched, a time bomb for possible future social turmoil.
The mind will dismiss gross disparities as unreal, but slight ones can influence learned behavior.
There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
At these proceedings, there is a gross disparity in the quality and type of legal representation available to the parties.
The statute defines gouging as any price increase in "gross disparity" to what was being charged before.
However, the seeds for future problems lay in a gross disparity between the imperial and Prussian systems.
As one nation under God, we cannot continue to ignore the injustice, the inequality and the gross disparities that exist in our society.