Because thalidomide induced gross defects in rabbits but not in rats, these guidelines called for toxicity tests in two species.
As to tenet (iii), Lodge cites the case of Hardy, who has figured in criticism as "a great novelist" in spite of "gross defects", including the "capacity to write badly".
The VLF voltage source can be used to measure insulation loss in cable (tangent delta tests), or can be used as a to detect existing insulation failures or gross defects in an installed cable system.
The goal of VLF withstand tests are to fail gross defects in cable systems.
Based on my knowledge and our pretest counseling, I viewed amniocentesis as a test for Down's syndrome and other gross chromosomal defects whose effects are debilitating or devastating to a majority of those affected.
Inspections of most Eastern Airlines planes found no gross defects that would have led the Federal Aviation Administration to ground any of them, an agency spokesman said.
He is the cause of evil intent, and a mortal so afflicted searches for "gross defects" in others while hiding his own (3.255).
They each produced between 60% and 66% of asci with gross defects in DNA distribution.
Amiel went on to argue that gross defects in the American judicial system matter to everyone.
Differences should be detected that are due not only to gross physical defects, inherited or acquired, but also to shifting states of emotion, to advancing education and experience, even to something as subtle as a change in the subject's philosophy of life.