In addition, the derring-do occasionally groans under the weight of the author's research.
He groaned occasionally, and made it worse by trying not to.
Jamie groaned occasionally, and we had to stop twice briefly in order for him to be sick, retching up mostly whisky, as he had taken little food in prison.
That work went slowly, with the great pile occasionally groaning, or shifting slightly.
He was believed to sleep a good deal and to groan occasionally.
Groaning occasionally, he pulled from the knapsack a lump that looked like nothing so much as the insides of the knapsack.
They speak periodically of the cruelty of human fate, occasionally groan orgasmically and, toward the play's end, waltz merrily through a field of corpses.
Rawlings would groan occasionally; Hudson seemed silently intent.
While his breathing remained heavy, and he occasionally groaned from his injury, Antosso made no more protests.
Mr. Thuwaini lay motionless in the bed of the truck, groaning occasionally, as a group of marines did their best with the inadequate instruments at hand.