There had once been a relationship between the lean grizzled soldier with the dark and wicked single eye and Louise Ballantyne, Ralph's stepmother.
A grizzled old soldier led it by the rein.
Kristofferson features in the 2010 Bethesda release Fallout: New Vegas as Chief Hanlon, a grizzled old soldier at the end of his career.
Sometimes he would take the spear away from Number Three, only to bow and present it to him with a grin, as if the grizzled old soldier had dropped it instead of having it finessed from his grip.
You, too, Uncle Swacky,' he added when the burly figure of the grizzled old soldier appeared in the doorway.
"Well, for one thing," the grizzled soldier planted one booted leg on the chair next to him, "the reinforcements from Santanni are not coming."
In a medium filled with grizzled soldiers and rugged space marines, there's something very refreshing about a game like Kirby's Epic Yarn.
On Omaha Beach At 24 years of age, Harlan Bean, from West Union, Ohio, was already a grizzled old soldier when he hit Omaha Beach.
Margo had expected Nayre to be a grizzled soldier of fortune; instead, he looked like a recent graduate from a military college; which, indeed, he might be.
"Let 'er go," said the grizzled old soldier.