The same could be said of Eugene Richards' infamously grisly photographs of crack addicts.
The FBI agent, however, retreated behind her unreadable mask as they sifted through police reports and grisly photographs.
But as your graphic reporting and grisly photographs depict, a year into this war nothing could be further from the truth.
The grisly photograph was taken on the white conference table by a sterile house technician under the reluctant supervision of Morris Panov.
The program includes grisly photographs taken immediately after the assault and reports from police officials about how the children died.
Cut to grisly photographs of a victim.
Others unfurled posters bearing grisly photographs that have appeared in the Chinese press.
The staging includes puppetry, shadow play and grisly archival photographs found in Brussels.
Bond looked up from the pile of grisly photographs that lay on the table before him.
He commandeered the Captain's office in "The Barn" and plastered it with grisly photographs of the Crowley murder scene.