I wondered if Kyle Craig was with them... he was deeply involved in the grisly case, almost as much as I was.
This seems to be the end of a grisly case Banks has been working on for some time, but ironically it turns out to be only the beginning.
We met four years ago while I was working a particularly grisly case involving honeymoon murders, and she talked her way right into my crime scene.
He had a premonition that this whole grisly case might never be solved.
So far, the NYPD was nowhere on the grisly case.
Seriously though, no - I heard of a grisly case of this happening to a man on the NY subway.
One of the grisliest cases occurred three years ago.
The presumption is that it is best for child and parent to be together, but we learn of grisly cases of abuse by natural parents.
"How's your grisly, godawful case coming?"
Meanwhile, detective Beaumonde pursues an increasingly deadly and grisly case.