She gasped and moaned, gripping onto his hair, banging his already injured head on the bedstead.
Grappling hooks were shot out of a pneumatic gun and gripped their hooks onto the bulwarks.
She gripped onto the arms and told herself there was still much to be tried, much to be done, before things were truly hopeless.
Janeway gripped onto one arm of the command chair with both hands.
Homer jumps onto another beam, but Ned fails to land on it, gripping onto the edge of the beam.
A new move, in which Lara ran across a wall whilst gripping onto the grapple, was shown during the video.
Her own hands gripped tight onto Cara's fingers.
Surprised, she almost stumbled; she gripped onto the rail at the edge of the deck for support.
At these moments, Buliwyf gripped onto a rock with his hands to hold against the current; this also I did.
She moaned in pleasure, gripping onto his fine black jacket for support.