The two of them ended up grinning at each other madly.
Grinning madly, he stabbed and his opponent died with a gurgling cry.
Pale dude in beat-up car, grinning madly and mumbling something about guns.
I glimpsed Ben, still grinning madly, surrounded by a bevy of pretty girls.
He grinned madly at me and said, 'Well, young shaver!
With 30 seconds left, she was grinning madly, racing around the rink as if on a victory lap.
I sagged in my saddle, grinning madly, exhausted beyond words.
But Klaus, still grinning madly, eyes wide open, just kept coming.
He is grinning madly, clearly moved by the occasion.
He was grinning madly, his goggles streaked with blood.