Pete, grinning indulgently, came out of retirement behind the pigeonholes, and looked inquiringly around the store.
He held his hands out and grabbed imaginary handlebars, grinning indulgently, eyeing Tom's helmet.
Sir Archibald grinned indulgently at this errant bit of nonsense from his naive daughter.
Edgar grinned indulgently, bracing himself for another yarn.
Gardner nettled Archer still further by grinning indulgently.
Madvig grinned indulgently at the man on his desk.
The young man in white grinned indulgently.
She grinned indulgently at them, and waved as they played their merry game.
She grinned indulgently back at him.
Arlin grinned indulgently at my excitement, being the sort of person who is clever with things without being en-thusiastic about them.