This film feels like a more violent and grim version of a Coen brothers film; it could be Quentin Tarantino's "Raising Arizona."
It is then revealed that the sweatshop is contained within a grim version of the 20th Century Fox logo, surrounded by barbed wire, searchlights, and a watchtower.
His face contorted into a grim version of a smile, then he began to pace the small room.
A shorter, grimmer version is also widespread:
Whoever came out the winner in this grim version of peek-a-boo would hold the advantage, if it came to a gun duel.
Originally it was conceived as a sprawl of identical beige houses, each no bigger than a two-car garage, arranged behind tidy little lawns in a grim version of the American dream.
"Parachute" is suffused with the Protestant idea of the calling, but it is not Max Weber's grim, ascetic version.
The shot zooms out to reveal that sweatshop is contained within a grim version of the 20th Century Fox logo, surrounded by barbed wire, searchlights, and a watchtower.
Levin stated that there is also a "grimmer version of the pervasive pleasantry".