Despite the grim subject, it's a sweet-tempered movie, with moments of explosive humor-an entertainment.
Jacob in particular gave lectures at schools after he became free and gave light to s grim subject.
People wanted more information, and gravitated to messages spread by laughing at a grim subject.
The work also deals with grim subjects, including the fear of war and the reality of racism deep in Union territory.
It's a grim subject, but a visit to the Apex factory is anything but.
These are grim and very unlikely subjects for a Harvard English professor.
Katherine Shea, who left college and fled home during her mother's final illness, is eloquently lucid on this grim subject.
"Zero Patience," despite its grim subject, has a loopy buoyancy.
'It's also a very grim subject and Ruth painted it.'
The puzzle, Dor wondered--for his mind had to get away from the grim prior subject.