Fors' answer was a grim stretch of ash-powdered skin which in no way resembled a smile.
Steven Green lasted only another four months in the Army, but it was a grim, violent and chaotic stretch.
For the rest of the journey through Maine, the trail follows existing roads, like Route 11, grim stretches of highway that conjure no images of the great outdoors.
One particularly grim stretch between factory walls and parking lots is called the Road of Charm.
The theater has clearly spurred the rebirth of Chelsea, particularly along the once grim stretch of Eighth Avenue where its building is.
The Americans found Wijdan al-Khuzai's body on Dec. 24, on the airport highway, a grim stretch rife with insurgents.
The last 12 months have been by any standard a grim stretch for high-yield debt, the worst year since 1991, when the United States last fell into recession.
Yet for a long, grim stretch, that place was home.
Not long ago, this was a somewhat grim, gray stretch.
On the other side of the water, another grim stretch of coastline rose up, streaked with white; though whether this was salt or some sort of permanent snow, Alex couldn't say.