This is the grim side to his thought: the circumstances of her 'taking' the veil were, so far as we can see, irrelevant.
Anyone listening would have thought we were having a ball, but as balls went, that one was on the grim side.
Predictions for holiday sales tended to be on the grim side.
Although the public facts, as I remember them, ran rather to the grim side.
Still, in an hour and a half or so, the visitor will have seen a large slice of the city, including its grimmer side.
Early in their lives, the young women learned firsthand about the grimmer side of human nature.
This might be the first time she had witnessed the grim side of her master's profession.
Nor could the grim side of the homecoming be ignored.
Of this much he was certain: The massacre would have been on both sides grim and great.
But, he goes on, there is a grim side to this story.