There was grim seriousness in the lieutenant's voice.
Luffy also talked differently, losing his usual carefree tone and instead speaking with a grim seriousness.
Then Johnson, a man who goes about the business of rewriting track history with a grim seriousness, allowed himself the smallest trace of a smile.
Aside from a self-portrait in a hotel mirror, where the photographer's good looks are clouded by a grim seriousness, his presence in this book is marked by invisibility.
She flashed an irritated scowl at him, and he smiled in spite of the grim seriousness of the situation.
Having been through this process twelve times previously, Buonarroti and Harriman set to the job with a clear sense of the effort needed, along with a grim seriousness that naturally accompanied preparing for war.
The captain, with the grim seriousness of a young commander, also had arranged the entire visit as a training exercise in convoy security for the Iraqis.
She replied with the grim seriousness usual to her when she touched on occult matters: "I saw your hairt bleeding, laddie.
On the other hand, Davidson suggests that the demons must have been portrayed in grim seriousness as personifications of real human fears.
And given the grim seriousness of the material, you will rarely, if ever, be part of such a thoroughgoing quiet in a theater.