Because of the grim prognosis, many patients turn to alternative therapies without scientific evidence behind them.
Despite the grim prognosis, she continued recording and touring.
Despite chemotherapy, the cancer continued to spread slowly through her lungs, leaving a grim prognosis.
They fall in love and decide to marry, despite the doctor's grim prognosis that Rennie can only expect a few more months of life.
Learn how an integrative approach may slow the progression of this otherwise grim prognosis.
And notwithstanding the supposedly grim prognosis, 95 percent of the current students have already reregistered.
It is, she says, a grim prognosis whose causes were little understood.
Perhaps the vision of Russian cardiac patients getting little care and a grim prognosis is a glimpse into our own future.
Q. How did you respond to your husband's grim prognosis and the suggestion that he be put in an institution?
There was no expectation that he would ever be able to walk, but his parents refused to accept such a grim prognosis.