The orange glow from lighted windows seemed to him a feral glare, the cabin's grim facade now mocking, taunting, slavering for blood.
His dislike of this grim, bookish facade drove the Binder's mood even closer to the slough of despair - especially after the trial had gone so badly.
How could anyone look at that grim facade and not sense the horrors those high narrow windows had witnessed?
A smile broke through Corsi's grim facade, and the security chief laughed softly.
The aging houngan's grim facade held for a moment, then dissolved into a spray of laughter lines as he smiled.
Wingdale's 600 residents have lived with Harlem Valley for 69 years and they have come to know there is a friendly soul behind the hospital's grim facade.
Tsk, should have known there was something warmer than ice under that grim facade.
Blondel peered out at the grim facades of empty stores under lightless walk-ups.
Not a window broke the grim facade.
Only the abbey remains, its grim and storm-lashed facade staring westward across the cold North Atlantic.