"Unfortunately," it added in its statement, "union work rules and the grievance process have often been used to block" rotation efforts.
More to the point, is there any sort of grievance process for false accusations?
If the players' union and Smith decide to continue with the grievance process, they must ask for a hearing date to be set.
For its part, the board contends that the students involved could have sought a remedy through an established grievance process.
The association has 30 days to decide whether the complaint is valid and whether a grievance process should be initiated, he said.
Grievants' rights: workers should participate fully in the grievance process at every step, with full information about their case and its progress.
The bill would establish a grievance process, under which worker could eventually bring suit in Federal court and collect damages.
The grievance process allows property owners to try to correct overly high assessments.
The university also said it would work with graduate students to develop a grievance process.
Second, prisoners could not sue anyone they had not first named during the internal grievance process.