The herbaceous species have greenish-yellow flowers and bloom in spring, they are fly pollinated.
It produces greenish-yellow flowers that fade to mauve through most of the year.
The inflorescence is a dense raceme 2.5 to 3 meters (8 to 10 ft) high, with greenish-yellow flowers.
It is commonly known as Chef's-hat Correa due to the shape of its greenish-yellow flowers.
There are about 500 greenish-yellow flowers in each hermaphroditic panicle.
The slender leafed vine has greenish-yellow flowers and shiny purple fruit.
The vines may be up to 3 to 5 meters long with fragrant pale pink or greenish-yellow pea-like flowers which bloom in the summer.
Its inflorescence is a cluster of tiny greenish-yellow flowers surrounded by thick, pointed bracts.
It has greenish-yellow flowers which appear in autumn.
The greenish-yellow flowers are produced in late autumn (October to November in their natural habitats).