I heard the sickening thuds of green willow biting into flesh.
Up ahead the grass deepened into a jungle of green willows that was shocking after the parched sterility of the endless hardpan.
He was hum- ming softly, while he trimmed a whistle of green willow with a sharp nail-knife.
The blue blade hacked clean through Tanus' yellow bronze, as though it were a wand of green willow.
Sing all a green willow must be my garland.
Her only pleasure was to lie amid the green willows near some sparkling stream.
On the banks, green willows drooped their branches into the river.
The young officer's splendid red coat with its cuffs and lapels of willow green stained the-scene with vivid color.
The bride studies the rosy castle, the glassy lake and green willows.
In some versions he goes into mourning, with the green willow as a symbol of his unhappiness (willow is considered to be a weeping tree).