Tristan saw an expanse of green treetops, covering the entire valley floor except for the course of a bright and winding riverway that meandered through the forest.
She sought refreshment again from the warm green treetops and roused herself for both defense and attack.
Overhead, at the core of the world, an ultralight aircraft spewed a long trail of gray cremated powder over the rich green treetops.
Tile roofs and balconies were nestled under the green treetops below her, the balconies all floored and walled by mosaics.
Predators hid in the green treetops: torpedo shapes dived from cover and disappeared back into the foliage with prey wriggling in long jaws.
As I looked out into the purple darkness, a low, orange sun began to show over the green treetops.
A solitary mosque and green treetops were all that broke the water in one town.
Thick streamers of black smoke shot with threads of red fire were driving up into the still air, and throwing dark shadows upon the green treetops eastward.
We sat by the margin of the dump and saw, far below us, the green treetops standing still in the clear air.
Today, the green treetops on mountains around Verdonsville hide dozens of closed mine shafts.