He brought his horse alongside theirs as they rounded the corner and the dark green spire of Godstowe Priory came into sight.
As they passed the churchyard, Centaine saw that there was already a shell hole through the green copper-clad spire.
She ignored them, dreaming of the living cities and their cool green spires, assuaging her thirst with the memories.
In front of them was a view of the next mountain ridge somewhat below and the deep valley of feathery green spires that separated them.
The garlic and shallots are already pressing green spires up from their copper-toned skins.
Dorotea gently ushered the dazed little girl toward the garden where the green spires of daffodils poked through the mulch.
No, wait, those are good old American arborvitae, pruned to look like the skinny green spires in Tuscany.
In its place was a towering, irregular fuzzy green spire.
Later a parish hall was added, and a distinctive tall green spire.
For a prosperous forest tree, we must look below, where the glen was crowded with green spires.