AC Omonia's badge has a green shamrock in a white circle.
It was decided the club's name should be St. Martins and the club played in yellow with a green shamrock.
He carried a small parcel wrapped in white paper decorated with green shamrocks.
The green shamrock will shimmer over the Hudson.
A few of the bagpipers had green shamrocks tattooed on their knees.
The team colours were kept the same, but the O on the jerseys was replaced with a green shamrock.
The current Brigade insignia is a green shamrock on a circular, sand-coloured, background.
Maureen angled her head and studied the green shamrock on the white background.
Below Audrey's name, deep in the corner that had been covered by the frame, was a green shamrock.
Also white, but it was stamped with green shamrocks all over.